Monday, March 10, 2008

Jackson update!

Jackson went to see Dr. Witte on Friday for his latest check-up and shots. As of Friday, he was 18 lbs. 5 oz. (65th percentile) and 28 1/2 inches long (off the charts-95th percentile +). We are going to give soy formula a shot next weekend at her suggestion, so that should be an adventure. We are also going to visit the pediatric neurosurgeon (don't freak out yet) because of Jackson's warped head (also called plagiocephaly). She wanted to be cautious and have us go now. Should he need a helmet, it will be quick and easy now rather than later when his bones have calcified more. His head has quite a slope to one side, so we've been expecting this for a while. We'll see how that goes. If he does need one, it should only be for a few months at most.

Jackson continues to be a very happy kid and just loves being outdoors, taking baths and eating. He watches in earnest as we eat, wanting so badly to have some. He did have a little taste of cake, frosting and ice cream a week ago Sunday at Aunt Nancy's birthday party. He also had some toast at breakfast the same day and managed to get butter in his hair. He's pushing himself up with his arms quite well these days and Gran said just today that he managed to get up on his knees. Here we go! It's all downhill from here. Jackson hates lying down and wants to sit up or stand up all the time (I think so he can see everything). We have switched him out of his infant car seat into his convertible one because having him in "the bucket" was just way too heavy! He can sit up a bit more in the convertible seat as well, which he seems to like.

All is well here...we're just very tired.