Tuesday, February 12, 2008

More sleep!

I am quite pleased to announce that Jackson slept in until 6am today-hurray!! I am hoping he continues this trend, particularly this weekend. As I get up for work sometime around 5:15am, sleeping in until 6 would feel like forever.

I am a bit concerned with Jack's development. He's 5 1/2 months old and still isn't rolling over onto his belly on his own (at least not on purpose). He does roll from side to side to play when lying on the floor, but he just doesn't make it all the way over. He's quite good at sitting up and is beginning to need much less support. The picture from yesterday of him with the hat was taken with him just gently leaning up against Randy's leg. I guess the fact that he not only hates to be on his stomach but also spits up profusely nearly every time he's on his belly has something to do with him not wanting to be there, but he's only rolled from his tummy to his back by accident. Maybe when he realizes that there's locomotion to be had on the belly, he'll choose to be on it. Can't say I blame the poor kid-his reflux is just terrible. On the bright side, he just loves his exersaucer and loves to stand up whenever you hold him. Unless he's very tired, he wants to either sit up or stand up. Yes, I know I worry too much. We'll see Dr. Witte on March 7th, so I'll ask her about it then. She didn't seem too concerned last time, saying that he had the muscle tone to roll over, just not the will to do it. Wonder where he gets that slightly stubborn streak...Randy, perhaps? :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

I don't think I'd worry too much about the rolling, especially if he can sit a little bit and is rolling side to side. Add to that that he is uncomfortable on his belly...yeah I wouldn't be trying either LOL. It also seems I hear of kids rolling later now since they sleep on their backs and stuff...they can already see everything from where they are so there is less motivation. Hugs!