Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Not sleeping...again

Jackson broke his four-night streak on Friday and hasn't slept through the night since. Ugh. He is waking at 2am and is taking a full 7 oz. bottle, so we are certain he is hungry and not just waking out of habit. I did try giving him some baby food that has some cereal in it for his dinner tonight. We'll see how that goes.

Had a nice weekend. Jack and I went out with my mom on Saturday to the mall and then went out for lunch. We had dinner plans with Randy's boss so Jack and I got home and pretty much turned around and went to Adam and Sue's for dinner, which was awesome. Pork chops with yummy cherry sauce, asparagus, carrots and carrot cake for dessert (belated for Randy's birthday). So tasty!

Worked in the front yard on Sunday and hacked down the hibiscus plants out there, which was long overdue. Trimmed the crotons and the elephant ear plant and they all look much better.

Not much else going on here besides the daily grind. I've started running again, this time at work with my wonderful co-workers Jenn and Alison. This is their first go at the running thing, and they are doing awesome and are such troopers. I really hope the three of us can make it to the end of this running plan, as I think it's so much fun. I'm glad to be getting back into it for both the exercise and other health benefits. My ob/gyn suggested I get back to running to help build my bone density, as our sweet little babies tend to suck calcium right out of our bones as they get big and strong while in utero.

Speaking of sweet little babies again, Jackson will be six months old tomorrow. Amazing to think that six months ago, I was gazing out the window at the full moon at the hospital, with them just starting my pitocin. I had no idea what I was in for...ha! He's so much fun now and we just couldn't imagine life without our Jackson. Crazy stuff. :) And again on the baby front, I'm still waiting to hear if baby Atchley #3 has decided to make an appearance yet. I believe he/she is due on Friday, so we are all anxious to see how it turns out. Thinking good thoughts for Amy and baby for a quick, easy, painless birth....

1 comment:

Amy said...

I would have LOVED to have had my baby on Jackson's half birthday, trust me!! :) 2 days over now...just waiting...maybe tonight, I hope????