Monday, February 11, 2008

Randy's birthday

Randy turned 35 today-happy birthday! Jackson gave him (us, really) a great present by sleeping through the night and until 5am. Sure beats 3:30-4:30am like he's done lately. I think the trick was just keeping him up a bit longer. He went down at 7:30 tonight, so we'll see how it goes. Randy bought himself a lovely new stainless gas grill a couple of weekends ago for his birthday and Jackson got him some shirts from L.L. Bean that are no-iron oxfords. Not the most exciting, but we are clearly in the days of practicality now.

I am still working up at the Cape and am tired of the commute. Realistically, so many people that live in big cities have a much worse commute than me, but I would just rather work at Patrick, as it's so much closer.

Here are a couple of pics of our boy to round out this entry. He's so hilarious-I just can't get enough of him!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I can't wait to squeeze those cheeks in person! Jack's...not Randy's...though I'll squeeze his too if he wants LOL!!!